Monday, April 09, 2007

Tagged by Jessi. Yet again.

Go to Google. Type in your name followed by the word "needs". =)

Elizabeth needs to stick around, and be featured a bit more. I'll stick around. No worries.

Elizabeth needs to blog more often because she is smart and funny and knows a lot more. . . According to close friends, I am decidedly NOT funny. But apparently good to laugh at.

Elizabeth needs to be able to express her feelings to someone she trusts. Mmhmm. Fortunately for me, I have many such people. =)

Elizabeth needs a nuk. As in a pacifier. Sigh.

Elizabeth needs a miracle. Amen.

Elizabeth needs to be planted in full sun in well-drained soil. Plant me!!

She's the one I call when I need a recipe rescue, or to find out how to get a stain out, or whatnot. HAHAHAHAHAHA

Elizabeth needs to tell the world the details of her ordeal. Why do I seem to be so traumatized?

Elizabeth needs to be hit with the clue stick. Huh?



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