Friday, September 14, 2007

Pet Peeves

It is time to follow in the steps of my dear friend--"The Bets"--and blog about my pet peeves. I don't think I really had any until I returned to my beloved Northland.
I'd like to emphasize that I really do LOVE it here. I really do; that's why I came back. I'm just not used to wandering about hallways and aisleways with six hundred + of God's children. That's just too many.
While I love my fellow students, this is what bothers me about them:

Number one: When they stop in the middle of the chapel aisle, turn to face each other--with their GINORMOUS BACKPACKS STICKING OUT OF THEIR BACKS. And they remain there, just chatting, as you try to make your way to your chapel seat.

Number two: When they take their chairs down, march them to the back of the gym (as expected). But then they stand there and chat (seems to be a theme) as you try to place your chair in the appropriate stack. This causes you to stand there and wait for another stacking place to become available.

Number three. When they walk through a door that you have waited to hold open for them, look straight at you, and then turn their head to address their friend. No acknowledgment of thanks is apparently necessary for this small act of kindness.

This is apparently the reality of the logistical movement of college students. God help us.

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