Sunday, January 14, 2007

I got to see Amy!!

Sunday through Thursday I was able to spend with Amy. This was wonderful for me because I LOVE her. . .! We ate a lot of ice cream, watched a lot of movies, and solved a lot of theological debates. I miss not being at college with her. . . =(

Amy's sister, Heather. . me. . and Amy

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Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Christmas pictures!!

So. . .for Christmas, my brothers and I gave my parents pictures of us! Andrew (16) and David (13) were quite patient with me as I made them sit through an hour of being photographed. . .and they even wore the Santa hats I bought for the "fun" shots. They are awesome. =)

Beth, David, and Andrew

Awwww. . . we're so cute.

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Northland. . . in November.

So way back in November (lol), I was able to visit all my people at Northland! My camera was being dumb, so thanks to Laura, I am now able to blog with pictures! Yay! Except the only thing we have pictures of is Saturday with the girls. . . I did, however, get to see pretty much everybody from last year which was way cool. . . AND! Ames, Aud, and I got to go see Anna Lou and her adorable new apartment. . .SUCH FUN!!!
Corrie and Ames

Corrie and I

Meg, Laura, Corrie, Ames, and I

me and Amy

Laura and me

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Tuesday, January 02, 2007

A brand new year. . . and a resolution.

Okay, people. I am resolving to blog once a week during 2007. We'll see how it goes. =)

Leave comments. . . I'd love to read them!!