Thursday, August 30, 2007

I forgot to mention my Aunt Jean. She is in the last picture holding up the boat. =)


Vacation Pics!

Somehow it worked out for a bunch of my mom's side of the family to all get together for a weekend or so this summer. We never have regular family reunions so it was wonderful to see everybody!

This is my dad holding my cousin's baby, Paige.

Ben and Eli, the twins my aunt Jean watches and teaches

My aunt Cathy and my mommy

Uncle Tim and Aunt Cathy

Jeremy and Alex (Paige's older brothers)

Jeremy and Alex and Cayden

All of us who were there. I won't even try to explain it all.

Paige and I

Alex, Jeremy and I

Paige and Andrew. . .two chubby faces!!

Cayden and his momma, Maria

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