You might be a redneck, IF. . .
. . .you're using duct tape to repair a tree. Sigh.

(Yes, this is my front yard.)

Teddy likes to look out the window and watch the goings-on of outside. He's such a happy little friend. . .makes me smile. =)
Alyssa and I finally got to go out together! We went to breakfast. I gave her her birthday present, and she gave me my Christmas 2005 present. hehe She's very pregnant and very very cute!
I am quite excited about this weekend. Saturday afternoon, I'm attending a wedding of some friends from college, and then from there I'm headed to Audrey's house! Yay!
There will be pictures posted when I return. =)
Labels: Alyssa, Audrey, duct tape, pictures, presents, Teddy, vacation, weddings
Commencement 2007
I always love commencement. Everyone is graduating or watching people graduate. Many old friends come and you get to see everybody that you used to go to highschool with and I always feel very nogastalgic. And I cry. =)

Kathleen, her proud brother Josh, their cousin Beth and Beth's baby, Addy!
Joan and I
the picture is blurry because someone (cough cough) kept jumping in front of the camera

Emily and Joan
I LOVE this picture!

Jonathan and I

They matched!

Ally and Andrew--Benaiah Medallion recipients
Ally, Emmy, and I
Joan, Betsy, and I
Ashley, myself, Joan, and Betsy
Kyle, Betsy, and Brent
Next year is Andrew! =)
Labels: Ally, Andrew, Ashley, Betsy, Brent, commencement, Emily, highschool, Joan, Jonathan, Kathleen, Kyle, pictures