Diet: Day Six
Thank goodness. . . I'm halfway done with Phase One! And then I can have fruit and bread back. This will be such a pleasure.
I've lost about five pounds so far. . . A few more to go. But this is also good for me in other ways--I'm being forced to be disciplned about what I eat and that in turn saves me money! Wahoo!
Life is busy, yet pleasant.
Work is going well and I'm so excited that it's almost summer!
Well, that's pretty much my feelings for today. Hope you enjoyed. =)
Labels: diet, food, summer, work
I AIN'T NEVER SEEN NOTHIN' LIKE IT!!That's all I have to say about my job. The stories are much funnier in person. Labels: work
Three things I'd like to share.
1. Tonight was weird at work. We ended up having to put a patient in restraints. Keep in mind, this is done for the safety of the patient and the staff. They are monitored very closely for signs of distress and for food/bathroom needs. Still, for me having never been around this sort of thing before, it was quite intense. Later, we had a patient who forgot to get dressed when they got out of the shower. Welcome to my version of normal.
On to brighter things.
2. My dog Teddy is so incredibly weird. I get home tonight and he--as always--runs to the door to greet me. I walk with him into the den and find these bits of something on the floor. He had been chewing his tennis ball toy thing. But he doesn't merely
chew it. He gnaws a piece off, sucks on it for a while, spits it out, licks the ball where he gnawed it (as if he wounded it or something), then licks his paw, and then licks the floor where the piece of ball he just spit out is lying. And then he starts over. Is this what all dogs do? So after that bit of drama, he decides to go to sleep. Only I think he had a bad dream, because his legs were moving like he was running and he was barking and shaking. lol What a funny little friend.
3. Another work story. We have a patient that I'll call Ron. I was walking to the door the other day and Ron ended up behind me. . . walking. . .singing to himself. The lyrics to his song went somewhat like this:
It's a beautiful girl in the neighborhood. It's a beautiful girl in the neighborhood. If I only had a brain. Quite an excellent singing voice he had!
Labels: singing, Teddy, work
Jessi-and-Beth time. . .
Saturday after work, I drove to Cedarville, OH, to see Jessi! Woohoo! I was only there 'til Monday morning, but we were able to spend all of Sunday together--church, shopping, food--which was much fun.
And these pictures are out of order a wee bit because I always forget that they load to the top of the post. Sigh.

So we're trying to figure out how to get a cute picture. So Jessi says, "Let me hold you." So she swings me up in her arms, nearly drops me (this is the part when I took the picture), and shouts, "Oh my word! You've gained weight!! Thanks, friend. =)

Pretty fountain in the middle of the outdoor shopping place.

California Pizza Kitchen
The funny part was us not finishing the pizza so then we got a box and then I had to carry the box around in my purse. And it had a very strong smell. Very strong. Like, driving back to Saginaw on Monday, I could still smell it!

New York and Company was having a sale!
I only claim partial responsibility for my spending spree. Forty percent off sale AND their spring collection was pink, orange, and bright blue!!! =)

Labels: Jessi, pictures, road trip, shopping

We are playing a game on Blogger tonight called Guess the Month?. Sigh.
Labels: pictures, snow, weather
Tagged by Jessi. Yet again.
Go to Google. Type in your name followed by the word "needs". =)
Elizabeth needs to stick around, and be featured a bit more. I'll stick around. No worries.
Elizabeth needs to blog more often because she is smart and funny and knows a lot more. . . According to close friends, I am decidedly NOT funny. But apparently good to laugh at.
Elizabeth needs to be able to express her feelings to someone she trusts. Mmhmm. Fortunately for me, I have many such people. =)
Elizabeth needs a nuk. As in a pacifier. Sigh.
Elizabeth needs a miracle. Amen.
Elizabeth needs to be planted in full sun in well-drained soil. Plant me!!
She's the one I call when I need a recipe rescue, or to find out how to get a stain out, or whatnot. HAHAHAHAHAHAElizabeth needs to tell the world the details of her ordeal. Why do I seem to be so traumatized?
Elizabeth needs to be hit with the clue stick. Huh?
Labels: surveys
Vacation (Part Next)
These pictures are all out of order. Since it would be quite frustrating to try to rearrange them, I shall do my best to paint a chronological picture with my words. (if that's something you can do. . . )

This picture was taken Wednedsday. We were buying t-shirts. My dad was really excited; he got one that says "You don't know me. . . Federal Witness Protection Program.'" He thought that was quite clever. I got one that says " I heart DC". How original. We also bought hoodies at a little stand like this (there's several of them. . .) Quite a nice vacation prezzie from Daddio.
This was Wednesday at the Spy Museum. Very interesting place--so much to read and absorb. I really liked it. It's maybe on my Top Five list.

Rochester, Caleb, Jacob, and Josh.
Family we stayed with. (Yes, they do have a mother and father.) This picture was taken Thursday morning as we were leaving.

Robert E. Lee Memorial
Taken Thursday morning at Gettysburg on our (indirect) trip home.

Also at Gettysburg. Not sure what it is. Presumably a memorial of some kind.

The view from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.
Definitely on my Top Five list!!

Andrew, David, and I
Love this picture!
Part of the Vietnam Memorial Wall. I love this picture so much because of the flower.

Vietnam Memorial
It was soooo sweet. A young boy had written a letter to his great-uncle (whom he had never met) and left it at the wall. And my mom and I both read it and started crying.

National Archives
Top Five List! Oh, interesting tidbit. We were there the same that day that Nicholas Cage and the cast of National Treasure II were there filming. We hope we're in the movie. =D

Korean War Memorial

Lincoln Memorial
See what I mean about them being all out of order? Sigh.

Inside the Lincoln Memorial.

My family at the Lincoln Memorial

My family again. =)
Hope you all enjoyed the pictures almost as much as I enjoyed taking them. =) And when I move to Virginia so I can see the sights anytime (and because it's warm), you're all welcome to come visit me. Just not all at once.
Labels: Andrew, D.C., David, parentals, pictures, vacation
Vacation! (Part Two)

The Capitol.
We had a tour Tuesday morning. Quite informative and enjoyable. I really liked it.
This picture was actually taken from way far down the Mall with my zoom. Oh, Tuesday was the most BEAUTIFUL day. Such a lovely day to walk outside!

Washington Monument.
Also taken on our lovely Tuesday walk down the Mall.

World War II Memorial.
This is also on my Top Five list. Absolutely amazing! I think it was the water in the memorial that made it so cool. This is just half of it. There are two sides--Atlantic and Pacific. And I believe this is the Atlantic side.
Me and Drewski at the World War II Memorial. Not sure where David was.

This is the WWII Memorial from the back of the Pacific side looking through it. Once again, I LOVED this memorial!
I am quite tired and must be up in the morning. So I will finish about this trip at a later time.
Labels: Andrew, D.C., pictures, vacation
I'm on a roll tonight. And although I should be in bed, I will upload vacation pictures before I lose my energy!

This is the new Marine museum and memoiral in Quantico, VA. New, as in November or something. The big glass part on top is visible from the highway (the one we took every day into D.C.) It is on my Top Five list, for sure.

This is the Jefferson Memorial. It was the first monument we saw. It was way windy up there inside with Jefferson. =)

The Tomb of the Unknowns.
We watched the changing of the guard. David thought that part was way cool.

Arlington National Cemetary.
I believe Drewski took this picture. I think it's really nice. I kept trying to take a picture that would somehow capture just how many graves there are. And although this doesn't obviously do that, I think it says quite a lot.
Iwo Jima Memorial.
Daddio was really excited about taking a picture next to it. lol
This is all the pictures I can have in this post. So this, too, shall be continued.
Labels: D.C., parentals, pictures, vacation
Catching Up (Part Three)
MarchThe second weekend in March, Jessi was home on Spring Break. So, she decided that we (she, Betsy, and I) should go to Great Lakes Crossing and relive our junior high days by trying on formal dresses. Such fun. Lol.

This is my favorite one of us!

This was taken in one of those photo booths where you pay like, $4.00 for two sets of four pictures. I had never done one and it was QUITE fun! We were laughing so hard we could barely take the pictures. =) =)
Labels: Betsy, Jessi, pictures
Catching Up (Part Two)
FebruaryHomecoming 2007

My friend Kathleen with her family

The senior class!
Josh (Kathleen's younger brother) is in this class along with some of my good friends.

Emily and Joan.
I've know these two since Kindergarten. Being home this year has give me a wonderful chance to spend time with them. I love you girls!!

This is Andrew. He's my little brother. And I think he's very handsome in this picture. =D
Labels: Andrew, Emily, Homecoming, Joan, Kathleen, pictures
New name!
For a while now, I've been pondering a new name for my blog. As you can see, I did come up with something. . . .although you maybe wondering why in the world I picked what I did. I shall tell you. . .
Tonight, my brothers and I had company. Joe, Robert, and Emily came over after church to chill and to watch
Facing the Giants. I don't know if all of you have seen said movie. The acting is a little rough, but I think the story line is powerful. It's especially sweet when you realize that they have been showing this movie EVERYWHERE: in highschools, to sports teams, to the kids in White Pine. Quite a strong testimony. But back to my original train of thought.
If you recall the scene with Grant and Mr. Bridgers. . . .Mr. Bridgers is giving words of encouragement to Grant. When Grant admits that he is frustrated because he doesn't see God at work, Mr. Bridgers tells him this: "I heard a story of two farmers who both desperately needed rain. They both prayed for rain, but only one went and prepared his fields. Now which one do you think believed the rain was actually coming?"
My little brain began to ponder that. . . There is SO much I want God to do in my life right now. . . things I am begging Him to accomplish.
I want to go back to Northland. I want to be married and have a family. I want to be on my own. I want to be changed from the selfish person I am into somebody else. I want to SEE God at work. But have I made my life ready for rain?
Labels: movies, rain
Catching Up
Since I haven't blogged in forever, I am way behind on pictures. These next few posts will be some pics along with commentary. Enjoy.
January This is my birthday party!

Laura, Corrie, Amy, and Audrey came down from Northland (with Kathleen!) to make my day incredibly special. =)

This is Amy and Audrey singing to me in their helium voices. There is also a video of this which I don't have time to blog right now. But it is quite good.
I also had a picture of James (the winner of the intense game of spoons) but somehow I deleted it. . . Sorry, friend. Maybe when I put the video on here I'll try the picture again.
Labels: Amy, Audrey, birthday, Corrie, Laura, pictures, spoons